kbs asian breast surgery


Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement surgery, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures worldwide. In recent years, many local and foreign clients have looked to Asia, specifically South Korea, to have their operation.

It is not common to see Asian women leading advertisements offering breast augmentation. Unfortunately, though many Asian women want to undergo breast augmentation, there has been a stigma among Asian countries regarding plastic surgery. As a result, many women were hesitant to achieve the body they’ve always wanted.

However, that’s not the case anymore, as Asian culture has become more accepting and open to new things. Many Asian women are starting to become open about their desire to have plastic surgery. At the same time, many clinics, especially in Korea, have begun to offer breast surgery done specially for Asian women.

Compared to their Western counterparts, surgeons have more factors to consider when working with Asian clients. Asian women have a shorter, slimmer frame, with lower body mass. They also usually have smaller breasts, with large, round-shaped nipples and a small areola. It is also common for them to lose breast volume due to aging or pregnancy, resulting in sagging breasts.

With that said, Asian women usually look to have a youthful, active look from their breast enlargement surgery. Besides that, many of them also opt to have their nipples’ size reduced to create more proportionate looking breasts.

If you are of Asian descent and consider undergoing breast enlargement surgery, here is a guide on everything you need to know about breast augmentation among Asian women.

Implant Size

For most women, a C-cup breast is considered the ideal size from a breast enlargement surgery. With that said, as we mentioned earlier, Asian women have a more petite frame, resulting in smaller breasts and chest diameter. Before undergoing surgery, most of them have B-cup breasts, some even closer to A-cup.

With breast augmentation among Asian women, a smaller size implant will balance out your smaller frame. Increasing your breast size from an A-cup to B-cup will result in a more feminine and natural silhouette. Further than that, let’s say a C-cup or D-cup may end up looking disproportionately bigger than your frame, which can also lead to discomfort. 

During your consultation, talk to your surgeon about your expectations and desired results for your operation, and be open to your doctor’s suggestions. 

Implant Filling

Rippling is a common issue faced among Asain women after breast augmentation. Saline breast implants are the common cause of this problem. Saline implants are filled with a sterilized saltwater solution, which causes rippling or ‘wrinkling’ due to its water-like consistency. 

For breast enlargement surgery, surgeons usually opt to use silicone breast implants. These are filled with silicone gel, providing a  younger, more active-looking result while having a natural look and feel.

Implant Texture

Breast implants usually come with a textured or smooth outer shell.

Textured implants have a rough exterior shell. It is found to cause both aesthetic and health complications. Visually, this implant may result in too much rippling when used for thinner frames. More importantly, there is a higher risk of developing Breast Implant-Associated Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a type of lymphoma that can form around implants, when textured implants are used for breast augmentation. Its textured surface is more prone to catch bacteria, which may take a toll on your immune system.

Plastic surgeons usually prefer to use smooth texture implants for breast augmentation among Asian women. It produces softer, more natural results, with fewer risks of implant-related complications.

Surgical Incision

Asian’s skin reacts differently to scarring compared to their Western counterparts. As a result, incisions are carefully considered for breast augmentation for Asian women. Their skin is very fine and delicate, which causes either pigmented or raised scars from surgery. 

Furthermore, Asian women tend to be more private with having work done, so it is essential for them to hide their scars. During consultations, ask your surgeon to use an incision technique that results in minimal scarring.

For breast augmentation among Asian women, the periareolar and inframammary incision is usually used. A periareolar incision is done around the inferior areolar edge, perfect if you want a mild to moderate breast lift from your surgery. On the other hand, an inframammary incision is placed in the crease underneath the breast. As it gives the surgeon the best access to the surgical site, it is considered an ideal type of incision. Also, it only leaves a thin, 1 to 2-inch scar hidden under the crease.

Implant Placement

Asian women have smaller breasts, which means they have less breast tissue to work with. The wrong implant placement can lead to aesthetic issues, such as rippling. For breast enlargement surgery for Asian women, extra coverage is needed. 

For many surgeons, “Subpectoral” or “Submuscular” placement can produce ideal results. Here, the implant is placed under the chest muscle, making it less visible. It creates natural-looking results by accentuating the breast tissue over it. In addition, it minimizes the risk of sagging as the muscle supports the weight of your breast.

Motiva® Implants for Breast Augmentation among Asian Women

In most clinics in Korea, surgeons use Motiva® Breast Implant, the 6th generation breast implants. 

The Motiva® Round Implant is made of a silicone-based elastomer shell filled with a silicone gel, called ProgressiveGel Plus™. The balance gel elasticity and firmness results in a fuller and younger active look, and less rippling.

It has a SmoothSilk™/SilkSurface™, achieved through 3D nanotechnology imprinting. This type of surface minimizes bacteria’s growth and attachment, reducing the risk of capsular contracture and late seroma. Motiva® also has a TrueMonobloc® shell, which allows the implant to be easily inserted through a smaller incision (2.5cm to 3cm). Smaller incisions can result in lesser pain, lesser bleeding, minimal scars during recovery.

It also has a BluSeal® indicator, a protective layer surrounding the implants. This makes it easier to detect implant defects such as gel bleed and ruptures. Also, it has the Q Inside Safety Technology™, the first FDA-cleared RFID micro transponder for use in humans.

A 6-year prospective study shows that breast augmentation surgeries using Motiva® Implants resulted in less than 1% of implant complication cases. It has lower rates of capsular contraction, late seroma, and zero reported cases of BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma).

Motiva® is cleared for commercial distribution in over 60 countries. Besides South Korea, you can avail Motiva® Implants in the Philippines, Japan, Singapore,  and more. To know more about Motiva® Breast Implant, you can visit their website.